The Whales We See
A Month by Month Breakdown

List of Species
Common Dolphins by the hundreds to thousands
Bottlenose Dolphins
Pacific White-Sided Dolphins
Risso's Dolphins
Blue Whales
Gray Whales
Humpback Whales
Fin Whales
Minke Whales
Bryde's Whales
Beaked Whales*
Sei Whales**
Killer Whales*
False Killer Whales*
Pilot Whales**
Sperm Whales**
*Rare Species usually seen 5 times a year or less
** Exceptionally rare species encountered once every few years.
Seasonal Peaks
Year Round- Southern California has arguably the most dolphins of anywhere on earth. We have about a 95-98% chance of encountering dolphins on every trip
Jan-March- Peak Gray Whale season with 20,000 Gray Whales migrating along the California Coast
March-May- Transition Months with lots of variety. Gray, Fin, Humpback, and even Blue Whales possible
May 20th-July 4th- This has been the peak Blue Whale season in San Diego the past 5 years, with June having been the best month. Blue Whale numbers and timing do fluctuate year to year
July-Sep- Blue, Fin, Humpback, and Bryde's Whales all possible. Blue Whales become much less likely on 2.5 hour tours by late July most years.
October-December- Calmest seas and prime Humpback season is October to mid December. Exotic species also more typical in the fall. Gray Whales begin arriving around Christmas